I am reviving my Lighthouse Coaching. More than ever, this feels like a time when we need to find our way and connect.
I like the idea of being a lighthouse. Someone who is willing to locate themselves by self-defining and shining their light out into the world. Inviting those who may be unmoored a way to navigate and find their way.
I know that I can be a lighthouse and I appreciate those who are and have been lighthouses for me.
Change can be seen as the next new adventure or it can see as the next crisis. How I interpret my travel is fully up to me. Sometimes I do feel tossed and turned. I believe I am a victim to the storm upon my path. But when I can breath and invite connection – grace – and know I am not alone – I realize I have agency and resource.
It’s not always comfortable or easy. Sometimes the best navigation I’ve been offered is when someone as shared their distance in defining themselves in relation to me. In those moments I’ve been given a gift that can help me locate and move out of just reaction and into clarity and curiosity.
Of course I like that best when delivered with kindness and care and I also know that I have choice even when it is not.
As a Lighthouse, I do my best to be straight and clear. When I am clear, I can be present and curious for whatever comes back.
My promise as a lighthouse coach is to hold you as able because that is what I want in relationship and life.
I return to those lighthouses who hold me as able because I know they will be clear and defined and in that I can find ME.
It is with this intent that I want to recreate Lighthouse Coaching. We’ll see what happens.
If you want to have a conversation and see if Lighthouse Coaching is for you – reach out.
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