Getting Over Your Ground Hog Day!!

I love the movie Ground Hog Day!  That same day, repeating and repeating – until finally – finally – something shifts!

Though I have not lived such a dramatic version of Bill Murray’s day from hell – I sure have had my moments and days of being stuck in an unserving, suffering storyline!!!

Indeed it is a type of hell!  Plus it plays havoc with reaching my dreams, finding my joy, my ability to connect and basically eroding  my relationships!!

I call this a KINK.

It’s like a knotted shoelace or a garden hose that isn’t just twisted put wrapped around itself in such a way – no water comes through!!!

That’s what it’s like to have a limiting belief, it can spin you around and round!

Let me give you an example.  Here’s one of my classic KINKS!

“I’m a horrible speller so I can’t…. write, put things up on flipcharts”


“I can’t spell – I’m stupid!”

“I’m stupid so I shouldn’t be thinking of publishing a book”

You see how one belief just plays havoc!!

That one – well it’s been around in my head for years!!  I even have labels for it now – dyslexic, learning disabled.

Well may be I do frequently flip letters, mix up my words and struggle with spelling.

Indeed it’s a kink that doesn’t easily go away!

However, I’m not stupid.  I can write. Plus, there’s always editors – right?

Here’s the deal – we all have our storylines – some of them helpful – some of them not so much!

I am not someone who believes you can just get rid of them!!  However, I do think there are ways to become aware of when a KINK is getting in the way of what matters most to you!

Awareness is the first step to any shift!  Once I notice I am spinning into a KINK – I have some options.

I can do Byron Katie’s, the work on that belief.  (for some this is magic and works great! – it is a great tool but for me needs a bit more breath and emtoion!)

I can breath and see what I am feeling.  Usually there’s an underlying river of feelings that have been trapped or wrapped up in that KINK!

I find for me, it helps to move, dance, shake that story around!

Then pause and check inside.  See if anything has shifted.  It’s not a perfect formula or science.  However, I am getting pretty good at not letting that KINK of mine – send me into full-on  Ground Hog Day!!

I’d love to help you avoid getting caught in a KINK or worse finding yourself stuck in a Ground Hog day!

That’s part of my online program, Get Unstuck.   How to work through Kinks and Leaks! and make sure you are not caught in a Ground Hog Day!

I’d love to help you find a way to reach your dream or goal without to much spinning.

I’m sure there are some typos in this post – but I want to get it out!  Get Unstuck starts – July 25th and it’s 25% off through friday, July 21 at midnight!!

Get out of your own way!  Get Unstuck!!


Our Un-United States

Enjoying a bit of downtime after two very full weeks up at Haven.  In just a couples days we’ll be celebrating the 4th of July here in the USA.  I have noticed a number of postings related to how hard this 4th of July will be as we here in the United States seem riddled with uncertainty and divide.

I have to say, I totally get how there is a bit of a challenge in how to best celebrate our country’s freedom with so much devision constantly making the headlines.

I find myself wrestling with my frustration with our current President and what seems like daily headlines demonstrating the irreconcilable differences between decision-making parties and elected officials.

Indeed at times it is heartbreaking to read stories of people’s lives impacted by decisions being made often based on a desire to just overturn policies made by the previous administration. Or creating new policies out of fear or threat.  It seems as though our politicians have lost the connection to the people and the impact of these sweeping changes.

It’s also hard to read almost daily about another shooting involving someone opening gunfire in a public place.

Yes, our country currently seems very wobbly and quite divided.  Not much to celebrate in terms of a United States.

Yet somehow I find myself wanting to connect.  To share why I do love this country inspite of the politics and the current direction.

Deep down I do believe in the people.  Even the people who think very differently than me!

I have sat in circles at The Haven where people from very different lives have found pathways for bridging differences and creating relationships that last through pain, sorrow, anger and joy.

I have worked with leaders and teams where the anger and the frustration was creating division and with support, these teams dive into the mess and new possibilities emerge.

It’s the work I love.  Not avoiding the messy but owning it and working through to new possibilities.  However, those new possibilities won’t come without embracing  both our shadow and our light!

What I’d like to do for this 4th of July is identify and share what I do love about this country and what I find difficult.

I love that I live in Montana – it’s beautiful and somehow even with our differences, people come together here to support each other when there’s a call for help.

I love that even with some horrible political stuff happening – communities across the country are gathering and standing forward together.

What I find difficult.  The current political fighting between the right and the left.  The rising levels of violence and the fact that it is hard to sit and talk about our differences.

I imagine I’ll have more to reflect on in terms of my answers over the next couple days.  In the meantime, I’d love to hear from any of you celebrating this 4th of July – what do you love about this country and what are you finding difficult!  (to my Canadian friends feel free to join in since you just had your big 150 – what do you love about Canada and what’s do you find difficult)

That I can even put this out as a question and almost guarantee I will get some very different types of responses is another reason I do love this country.

I think the 4th isn’t just a time to celebrate what’s beautiful but to also celebrate and reflect on the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.

I do think that is the only path to re-uniting us!