Just when I thought Covid was background after a few years of playing havoc in our lives, it’s shown back up loudly in my world.
I never got sick during the first three years and about three weeks ago after lots of travel, I had what I thought was allergies. I tested postive. It was a bit of a shocker, and a bit rough for a day or two, but I moved through and went back to testing negative and moving forward.
Then CrisMarie had it and that resulted in me going to a two day off site without her.
It all worked. However, I was pissed at Covid.
Come Alive
I headed off to Haven for a Come Alive. I had a full group and great team. One day in and I was heading up to group and got informed one of the participants had some symptoms and had tested positive.
I have to admit it was a jolt. COVID again!
We’d been together as group and I knew there were likely to be concerns. I wasn’t sure what to do. Yet there we were.
It became a great opportunity to face uncertainty and dialogue. We each had to address how we would deal with our uncertainty. Some put on a mask. Some asked to test. Others were fearful and just spoke to their concerns. Our now quarantined member, couldn’t leave the island, so we had them join on Zoom.
All things considered Covid did disrupt, but also gave a great moment for deep dialogue and self-responsible relational living.
The Come Alive ended well and even our Zoom member reframed their Come Alive experience amazingly well. My heart was warmed by how everyone worked with all that came up.
Next Couples Alive
Couples Alive starts today and already Covid is in the air. One couple couldn’t come. CrisMarie is still not well and not able to join. One of the assisting couples had heard about the CA and has their own journey with Covid beliefs and concerns, causing them to cancel.
Suddenly I was confronted again. Covid isn’t going away. It almost seems louder than in those silent days of being at home.
Covid and Trump
Covid reminds me right now of Trump. I thought he’d for sure be gone by now too. But much like Covid, he seems to keep rearing up and stirring up fear and polarized opinions.
I really want to blame Covid (and Trump) for what seems like a horrble thing. Yet I get it’s not the virus or Trump that’s really the biggest problem. I think it’s the fear, the division, and the lack of conversation that is the real issue. Actually I think that fear may be keeping both much more alive and influential than either would be if we could learn to talk and share better.
Covid like any virius is going to keep surviving. I believe our job is to not to let it’s existence tear us a part and cause us to live in fear and righteousness.
Maybe what Covid offers is a chance to self- define, listen, and be curious. Do our best to be relational and make choices that honor ourselves and others.
Rules and regulations are not going to rid us of the virus. Just like court cases and votes don’t get rid of Trump.
Somehow we have to learn to live better together and not let our fears be what spreads dis-ease.
Seems I have to be curious and relational with Covid and even with Trump.
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