How Do You Feel Joy with So Much Disruption?

I just finished taking a short break to catch up on the latest news.  Coming back from my break I am a little shaken up as I often am these days after reading the headlines.  Today’s news was covering bombing in Kabul and Trump’s latest decisions to pull our of the Paris Climate accord. These are just a few examples of what’s happening in the world.

It’s hard to reconcile the news and my life.  I have had a wonderful couple of months.  I have spent a month at The Haven leading an amazing Living Alive Phase program with 24 participates all very committed to their learning and engagement in life.  The month was very fulfilling and I loved being part of a team committed to holding space for people to explore, discover and be different.

Thank you Carole Ames, JoAnn Kevala, Jan Pullinger, Gillian Chandler and Jan McGinn!

Since returning to Montana, I’ve enjoyed our second run of Find Your Mojo in Montana and it was a huge success.  YAY!! Great people, great fun, great learning — not mention some awesome moments with the horses!

CrisMarie and I’ve worked with two corporate clients and though one is in a more challenging phase, there was dialogue, empathy, connection and care — even amidst the conflict and crisis.

Add a couple days of being a part of the Haven strategic faculty team tasked with ensuring The Haven continues to grow and deliver transformative learning experiences, and I hope you can get the idea that my life is very different than those headlines!

I am so grateful for my life and the work I get to do!

I love the way I get to contribute and engage with individuals, couples, teams and organizations.  I feel fortunate and privileged to do the work.  I have the opportunity to see people work through painful stories, connect and find creative options even in some pretty dark places.

Yet I pick up the paper and wonder, Does not it make any really significant difference?  

Is it is possible to feel good and joy when it sure looks like so many are suffering and our own government is creating so much disruption?

That part is hard.

I do believe the work I do makes a difference.  I also believe when anyone feels joy, connection and fulfillment it’s a strong vibration that carries further out into the world than despair, helplessness and fear.

So I choose to keep playing my game of relating moment to moment, person to person and holding space for our humanity to shine  — even in the face of what seems like tremendous choas, pain and suffering.

I do wonder how you hold on to faith and stay in the game because sometimes it’s hard to reconcile what’s happening out there with what is happening inside.

I want to hear from you: How do you hold onto your faith and stay in the game? Email me: [email protected]