I am working on my Marketing mojo and I want to know – what makes you click?
I think I am suffering from a bit of marketing fatigue. As a business owner marketing is my job! Plus as newly published authors we are our marketing and outreach arm. So I know it’s my job! I also know I struggle.
I want to find a path that fits my values and is aligned with what might attract me. However, I don’t generally click or download easy steps or simple solutions from Facebook. I am guessing it is because I am not at all convinced that what comes easy is really what’s helpful!
Honestly I have tried various build-your- 6- Figure business programs. Most of these are offered by folks like myself, possibly more marketing types, who have created solutions that when followed build your list or get more people clicking and signing up for programs.
Almost everyone of them speaks of the importance of identifying your clients pain points and being able to provide some direct simple solution for easing that pain.
However, when I have followed the steps:
Defining a niche.
Surveying to identifying my target audience’s pain points.
Following the latest FB ad guru’s template that offers a more personal story and reason for someone to sign up for our website.
Designing worksheets, webinars, videos, 3 Steps, 5 Steps – all offering value that I do believe works and is worth trying.
I haven’t found it particularly successful. Yes, the list has growth – but not like the promise. We get small, incremental growth. I’ve also lost some people. I have gained more then I have lost but still I am not getting those wild and amazing numbers talked about or apparently happening for some others.
I do believe we write material that adds value and is designed to support people finding their inner guidance and developing a strong mind-body relationship.
I know it’s not a quick fix. It’s not going to be the formula that directly gets six figures into a bank account or in 10 days shifts your body so that you look thin, fit, muscular or lean.
Clearly though with all the noise and internet options that scroll through inboxes and across screens it takes something special to get someone to click.
Or may be just so much pain that someone saying – “I got just the answer for your ……… (fill in the blank).” People click and sign up in ever increasing numbers.
People want that quick fix. (Obviously I want that quick fix when it comes to marketing!)
But do they really get it.
Am I that outside of the norm? I generally do NOT get the quick fix.
Wait! That is not quite true.
When I went to The Haven for a 5-day Come Alive back in the early eighties, I had a miraculous shift in my health. I believe due to my willingness to be vulnerable, breath, show up with my emotions, be curious and interested in other people and believe. I actually wasn’t aiming for a health turn around – but that’s what happened.
Now I will also say that miracle turnaround did demand a post-miracle commitment to keep living and breathing that way – AND that was not as easy as jumping into that five day program.
The post program integration was hard, slow, painful, engagaing, discouraging, amazing – it was work, disciple and a commitment to continue to be vulnerable, relational, breath and hang in through the rough spots.
I imagine I need to approach marketing like I do living and learning to be self-responsible and relational.
There are simple elements – just like Come Alive – breath, be honest, be curious and hang in.
In marketing it may be more like:
Keep putting myself and our message out there.
Ask for and listen to the feedback.
Don’t quit just because I don’t get the miracle numbers every time.
Don’t compare my numbers to someone else’s – we may not be playing the same game.
Breathe! (This is always a good a good suggestion for any challenges!)
Because what I know for sure is that whenn someone shares the impact our message has had on their life or how they have transformed their relationship, team or health trying on some of our ideas and making them their own.
Those moments are little marketing miracles – worth it and better than just numbers or a bigger bank account. ( Though I’m happy to have some of that as well. )
So I am asking for your feedback. Let me know what marketing works for you.
What Pain point are you trying to resolve?
Bottomline – What makes you click? I really do want to know!
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