Here I sit.
Back at the coffee shop.
Last week everyone had on a mask.
Today, no one.
Now I am pretty sure everyone here in the coffee shop is not vaccinated. I might be wrong but statistics of our state support my prediction. It’s odd.
From mandatory to nothing. Overnight.
I’m comfortable enough. I am fully vaccinated and have found a table off in a corner. Plus, earlier this week I went to a evening musical event at the Great Northern. The place was BUSY. Myself and one other had on a mask. I kept mine on there partly because I just couldn’t quite shift from the all in to nothing.
Maybe it makes sense. In our state and area if you wanted to get vaccinated you could have done it by now. Plus there was already a strong segment of the population that was never going to get vaccinated, nor wear a mask.
I am working my way through the change. Bringing a mask and making my decisions as I go.
Are we heading back to normal? Is Covid now the new flu?
Then there’s all the bigger, may be even more critical issues that have surfaced. Social injustice, equity and poor public health and access to health care. What will happen with those issues?
I’d like to think we won’t just go back to the way things were. Yet if the ease at which we eliminated wearing mask is any sign – well I’m not so sure we’ll stay engaged without an ever present crisis. Let’s face for many out there – things may still be a crisis or a painful period of grief.
Am I glad that I am fortunate enough to get pick my vaccine – yes. Am I grateful I didn’t lose a family member to Covid – yes. Am I grateful if I get pulled over it is unlikely i’ll be assumed guilty or worse – yes.
Indeed I am grateful for being privileged and I believe that comes with taking some responsibility. Yes – I can take off my mask and return to some type of normal. I also want to listen and not just assume all is now right in the world. It’s not. We still have a lot of work to do.
Let’s get to it. Be grateful. Hug your grandchildren. Throw a party. Then invite the conversation that isn’t happening.
The world really could be a better place for more – not just some.
Maybe you care about the climate.
Maybe you care about equity and justice.
Maybe you care about inclusion.
Pick something and take a step to make a difference.
It doesn’t have to be loud.
It doesn’t have to be HUGE.
Just take a step and if we all do that.
Well I believe we CAN make the world better for more than just ourselves.
When I was wearing my mask over these past months – it wasn’t for me. I liked knowing there was something I could and was doing for others. The mask made that easy.
I still want to do that.
So yes – the mask is off and now comes the hard part. What will I do next?
What about you?
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