I have to say I am so grateful for the hearts and hands that have been helping me bring my writing together.
I am aiming to have Crazy, Cracked Warm and Deep released out into the world by November. That date was set to inspire me and keep me going. I was invited to speak at a cool workshop for women, Ignite Your Life. That seemed like a great point on the map for the book to make it’s release out into the world.
However, what has really kept me going has been the hearts and hands of people who have been there to hold gently this emerging manuscript.
Some literally holding the pages, reading and providing me feedback. Others listening or encouraging me to find my words and way.
There have been many.
Circles of people who have shared their stories and inspired some of my words. The writers along the way who have nudged me to find my style and voice. Experiment with showing not telling. Dropping so, just, really ,and all those extra words. The song writers who I use regularly in the background as I edit and rewrite.
This tiny book has been held so sweetly; as have I.
Not to long ago in a psychic reading the message to give this book it’s wings and legs was delivered. I set the image on my desk to remind me as I was editing. I complimented it with another special image of inspiration from a dear friend. That little girl has wanted her words shared and it seemed like the perfect combination.
This book has always been about connection. My path in finding a way out of separation, desolation, isolation and back into wholeness.
Some of these stories/fractals have been like riptides that can grab me and pull me back into the past or that place of separation. However, the hands and hearts holding the pages or the words have been gentle in bringing back to the present. Reminding me I am not alone and my why for this book
I do remember years and years ago, returning from my first Come Alive with a image of the closing circle. Those hands, hearts and the music an invitation to be relational and have faith. That circle was a place of awakening my own desire to live.
This book has a much larger circle holding for it’s flight and commitment to life and loving.
I received that loving long ago and now I hope this book will shine that loving out to others who may be caught in their riptide.
There are many hands strteched out and heartbeats calling and reminding each of us that we are not alone.
Maybe you are in your riptide and need to recieve. Maybe you are in a place to reach out with you hand and heart.
I know it’s not one or the other. We are all need a hand sometime. We all need to be the one holding out our hand sometimes as well.

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