I don’t want to write about my reactions to headlines and stories of the madness that seems all about.
I do though want to connect. To find a story or subject that resonates with my heart and possibly through simply sharing will resonate with you.
Since my birthday is approaching, June 12 is the official day, I do want to take a moment to celebrate my precious time on this planet.
I have some fun planned here in Montana, a Pride rafting trip and the Downton Abbey New Era movie with friends.
I’ve also added an extra day on a trip to Seattle, where I’ll be with family – Penny, Rob, Melissa, Melissa’s new boyfriend, Rick, my mom, Clarke, Carolina, Janet. I am hoping this will be an evening of music and fun. Between Rob, Clarke, Rick, Melissa, Carolina – there’s plenty of musical talent.
Want To Help Me Celebrate – Here’s one way – Bobbi’s Arena
These days it’s cool to have a way for people to share in a birthday through a charity or cause. I know there are many big global options. But this year I would love to have you offer a donation to Bobbi Halls’ new arena. She’s a special woman and I do look forward to being back out at the ranch for Find Your Mojo in Montana, happening October 6-9, 2022. If you are inclined to offer a birthday gift, please offer a donation towards Bobbi’s new arena. Here’s the link: https://gofund.me/6f08327d
Gratitude Does Come with Age and I am getting OLD!
I feel incredibly grateful for my life. My amazing wife, CrisMarie and our two four-legged family members, Rosie and Zuzu. Life is good. Even with all the crazy.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s been 62 years – damn, I am getting old.
I don’t really feel it. Sure, I have the odd ache or pain. My hair is grey (and I love it). However, over the years life has simply gotten better – richer and fuller.
This year did mark a big milestone. I finally got that book out. I’m pretty proud of my book, Crazy, Cracked, Warm and Deep. At one time it would have been about the pain and loss. It also could have been longer and included other stories. However, it’s short and makes the point I really think is worth making – Life really is about being relational – Not Right.
Heartbeats & Connection
As I step into year 63, I know time is limited. However, life isn’t really measured in time. I think it is best measured in heartbeats and connections.
I plan to make the most of those.
I hope you do too.
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