I’m here on Gabriola.
Yesterday finished Come Alive and tonight head into a Couples Alive.
Right now I’m between programs. Between trains so to speak. Between people.
CrisMarie is in route. Carole (Ames, my Come Alive leading partner) is heading home.
One group of faces will be replaced by a new group. Mostly individuals to people in pairs.
It’s been a while since I have lead a Come Alive. It wasn’t just a Covid break. I did step away from leading before that disruption.
When I stepped away there were different things happening and a need for me to step into more of my Montana boots.
I am grateful for the shift and the time to walk more in my own stride, pace and purpose.
As I stepped into this Come Alive, I did feel more solid and comfortable in ME.
As a result, I enjoyed finding the WE – with Carole, with the team and with some wonderful people on their own journey.
For me, Come Alive is rooted in discovering what it means to be self-responsible AND relational in life.
Couples Alive has a similar thread. Though, for me, more about being a ME in a WE.
It can be so easy to get comfortable in a WE and sometimes let go of the ME.
I know there’s more to write and to share. Yet, there also is this space between trains that seems harder to put into words.
I’ll wrap up for now. Go sit by the water. Tidy my room so that there’s a space and place for CrisMarie to land.
Enjoy this time between trains.
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