The new year is already flying by. I thought I’d write another blog by wrapping up 2010 with my version of a Top Ten. It seems like every blogger has some type of Top Ten list and I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite things from 2010, before 2011 is too far along.
1. Best Gadget: The iPad. I know everyone is talking about iPad2 now, and of course I understand that the iPad2 will be better then the original. However, I have no regrets. I have loved having the iPad! I carry it everywhere and find new uses for it all the time.
2. Best Song: Kingdom Come by DynoJamz. Take a listen. I may never have heard of this song were it not for my nephew, Clarke Reid, who composed the music. The band is an interesting blend of rap, brass, and piano. This is the preview track from their new album.
3. Best Movie: The Social Network. I haven’t really been a Facebook person, however, I love the director Aaron Sorkin and quite enjoyed the movie. Plus, I came home and got myself back online and have been enjoying a bit more Facebook.
4. Best Novel: Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls. I loved this book, couldn’t put it down. It’s the story of a resilient woman with and a very strong character. I highly recommend it.
5. Best Nonfiction: Cooking Up Good Vibrations. Check it out! This is the best gluten-free cookbook! Even I can follow the recipes. Plus, I know the folks who put it together and think everyone should have a copy.
6. Best Place to Eat: The Green Tea House in Whitefish, MT. I eat there almost everyday for lunch. I love the food and enjoy just hanging out. If you’re ever in Whitefish, try it.
7. Best iPad App: Pulse. I like this application because I can get tons of information, everything from news feeds to Facebook updates, on one page. I like being able to put in a topic and quickly pull lots of information from the web to review.
8. Best TV Show: Modern Family. I have enjoyed every episode and laughed out loud at least a few times during each show. The characters are great and the script smart – love that!
9. Best Play: Colin Quinn: Long Story Short. Normally this would be a local selection but this year I was in New York for a series of great shows, so CrisMarie’s appearance in Dividing The Estate, though seen the most, did not make the top of the chart. Colin Quinn: Long Story Short was a surprise hit for me. It’s the performance of one guy for 75 minutes. I just didn’t think it could beat out musicals. But we talked about it for days and we’re still bring up some of the best lines. It was an awesome show.
10. Best Gift: Celebrating Life Bike Shirts. Renee and Jim totally surprised me with awesome bike shirts for all four of us (CrisMarie, Jim, Renee and I) to wear while on our bike tour in Croatia! Renee is a master of surprise. At the beginning of the trip, and she and Jim pulled out the shirts wrapped with a ribbon and a colorful bike bell—it was perfect!

Okay, so this is my take on a random list of things that delighted my year. 2011 is already offering some new delights but you will have to wait for those. I plan to get back to more regular postings now that the year is launched.
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