My word for the year is a phrase, “Leap of Faith”. I was going to simply stick with the plan, one word for the year. At first I thought Leap – however, that did not quite fit. Faith wasn’t quite right either. Then I saw this picture that I bought earlier in 2012 while taking Sooke to the vet. I love it. There’s the elder duck leading the way out of the nest up in a tree and then the little ones, look out and then finally, leap. Their wings seem so small and incapable of flight. Yet, there they go!

Sometimes I feel like those little ducks. Yet, I am much closer, may be even older than the mother duck pushing the babes out of the nest. If I reflect on my life as it is now, I do see both, and in many ways both are taking a Leap of Faith. Sure, the more physical evidence of the leap is seen in the baby ducks. However, that mom, likely has some inner angst about what is about to happen and must have tremendous faith to step out of the way. I relate to both.
This year we plan to re-launch Thrive!. This in many ways will be a Leap of Faith. We intend to bring our whole selves to this new business. This means we no longer want to have our lives compartmentalized. In the past, we had our corporate presence and we had our various more personal pursuits. The revitalized Thrive! will be designed to integrate both. We plan to maintain our work with leaders, teams and organizations, and we also will include our strong belief that business is personal. That the corporate world would greatly benefit from embracing a whole person/whole team approach. In many ways this concept is really mother bird speaking. We know this concept is a mature and vital path that works. We have been embracing it ourselves for years and have built a powerful partnership that continues to ignite and sustain our health, wealth and relationship.
The baby duck part of the leap is simply being willing to step out fully as who we each are and who we are together. Last year we started leading the Couples Alive Series couples programs up at The Haven. The Haven Institute has always been like a safe nest where I can learn and develop. So it was easy to step into leading together. We didn’t question out value or wonder about being accepted. We simply brought all we have learned through being together for over twelve years and assumed if we were open, real and curious we had lots to offer any couple – same sex or not.
Now we want to be more transparent in who we are out in the bigger world, to take the leap of faith and trust that we can fly. Sure, may be not everyone will like discovering we are not simply a business partnership. However, I believe until now our biggest doubters have been ourselves.
Aside from the work transition and re-launching, I am also leaping into the world of writing. I have been writing for years. It has been my path for integrating and revealing to myself my inner world. More recently I have stepped further out. Through my blog and writing for 406 Magazine. Yet I don’t think of myself as a writer. I don’t fully commit to that path. This year I am making the leap. I have signed up for a kick-off workshop with writers I know will challenge and encourage me to go deeper and broader.
So my phrase, Leap of Faith, fits for me. I am both mature and quite young at what I am jumping into. I have a solid foundation that I can count on and I am ready for new ground and possibilities.
Though what intrigues me most is the space between the young ducks just launching themselves out of the tree and the older duck giving the push. That space is where faith becomes something beyond leaping into the vast unknown or holding faith in that which is known for someone to step into. The space is yet another aspect to leap of faith. I believe it is that middle ground. I must leap. My wings are not young and new – my wings are scarred and older. I have known the pain of crashing into the ground and failing to fly. Yet I must still step from the tree and take the leap. Knowing I have the heart and courage of being both young and old.
So I am thrilled to take the a leap of faith into 2013.
Susan Clarke is a long standing faculty member at The Haven Institute. She leads The Living Alive Phase I, with Carole Ames starting Feb 13 – Mar 10, 2013 and Come Alive April 7-12, 2013, and with CrisMarie Campbell: Come Alive Oct 13-18, 2013; and Couples Alive I – Foundation, Communication and Boundaries, April 15-19, 2013 and Couples Alive II – Edge, Igniting Passion & Aliveness April 19-23, 2013.
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