The weather outside is gorgeous!! Sunny, clear AND COLD. The temperature this morning was 8 degrees, that’s Fahrenheit for any of you Canadian readers.

I actually love days like this. I get a fire going in the wood stove, and sit close enough to stay warm and still be able to see the mountains out the window. My desire is to write. Hmm, but I find myself instead checking Facebook, reading blog post or doing just anything to avoid writing for any extended period. What is that about? Really?
I actually caught myself investigating new tablet/PCs online just now. For sure a rumble strip! In case you aren’t familiar with the term, “rumble strip” it’s those bumps on the road or side of the road that cause audible vibration so a driver knows when they are veering into dangerous territory – or as Martha Beck says – a metaphor for being off track in terms of getting to my north star.
Well, a new tablet/PC is beyond off track. I am bushwhacking at this point in terms of my north star.
Is it really that hard for me to stay focused on my goal? I have logged more than enough time on my laptop(s). (Okay so the PC shopping is not a new rumble strip!) I have the word count. I have the stories. I have support. So what gives? Why is this writing so hard for me?
This may simply be another rumble strip. Is it really worth hours of investigation to identify my fears or my action blocks and the underlying root cause? Most likely the cause is a bad childhood or fears of failure or dyslexia – as you can tell I have already taken this path of deeper awareness – more than once!! So forget it! I refuse to travel down that path today. No. I am writing damn it – even if it is a crazy blog post about my inabilities and failure to write my book.
The best part of my writing today is getting to use “rumble strips” in a blog post. I love that metaphor – Thanks Martha! Now, if I could just use that audible vibration to get me back into writing my book.
Feel free to share your rumble strips and maybe more importantly how you get yourself back on track!! I can use your comments as a distraction from my writing – awesome!
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