We are about to launch our new thrive! website! (here’s the old one, stay tuned!) Yes, this is a project that has taken six months. (Well… may be seven). I am also launching myself out in the world as a Martha Beck Certified Coach. Plus, there’s my summer of stepping out in the Ladies Golf League, doing and sharing my personal writing, and my latest commitment to drop my comfort foods of chips and beer (well at least for a few weeks!).

With all the new activities and the revealing of more of myself, I find myself slightly thrilled and slightly terrified. The website is a big deal. Because instead of simply marketing ourselves as business consultants, we are stepping out aligned with our own model of Whole Person + Whole Team = Great Results. For us it has been a way of living but not a way of marketing.
For years now we have been business consultants who know that the best work gets done when people bring more of themselves fully to whatever it is they are doing. We are personal and business gets done! For years we have also been leading programs up at The Haven, for individuals and couples wishing to enrich their lives and their relationships, meaning bringing more of who they are to everything they do! Now we are integrating our worlds in our marketing.
We know that is generally not the business model. But we believe it is time that changes!
Of course, that can be a terrifying step to take. What if our clients don’t agree? What if we don’t succeed at creating a virtual presence as relational health experts? What if people don’t like our new look and feel? What if..? What if..?
My mind can run through lots of worse case scenarios and left to it’s own free play, I am very likely to stall and slip into despair before anyone even has a chance to say they don’t like me, us, the website or whatever.
Instead, I am trying to not let my mind run the show. I have been practicing Focusing, a way of working with the various parts of myself. Focusing is practice that CrisMarie uses regularly in her coaching and has been teaching me. She hasn’t been marketing herself as a coach in Focusing because something in her is afraid. (So I am marketing her here! – Check her website out for her summer special!)
In Focusing the invitation is to realize that whatever feelings or thoughts I might be having are simply – something in me – something in me feels scared, thrilled, afraid of failing etc… Not all of me. Focusing is also about allowing that something to have a voice, space, though the key lies in allowing the felt sense. Felt sense drops me into my body not simply my mind. Focusing is all about accepting whatever is going on, yet not getting overly identified with any one part. So not separating or over-identifying. It is a very powerful way of working with myself, and yet, quite simple. The act of saying “something in me is terrified” is totally different than “I am terrified.” Try it for yourself, right now, and see how it feels inside.
In this period of lot’s of newness, I am greatly appreciating finding tools that support me in discovering new ways of working with myself, accepting myself, all of myself. There is indeed something wonderful about stepping out of my old skin that no longer fits or feels right. However, it isn’t easy waiting and allowing the new skin or new way to emerge. Still, as I mentioned a part of me is thrilled to have so much happening! And a part of me is scared! And there is even more of me that has yet to speak up and come forward — that is until now, as I simply allow and accept ALL of me!!
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