Filled with gratitude this morning. Maybe it’s the sun shining through the windows. Maybe it’s listening to streaming seasonal songs and singing along every once in while. Maybe it’s the joy of knowing that I am very fortunate to have a wonderful relationship, amazing friends, and family (both right here in Whitefish, and a number of other places on the planet), and work that keeps me thriving and fully alive!
It’s not like it’s all bliss. No, I am still fighting cold-like symptoms. I haven’t completed a number of things on my to-do list, and I am missing my BFF, Sooke.
However, I am grateful and that sure seems like something to write about.
This time of year is one that I enjoy. I know many people struggle with the commercial side of these holidays. Still, there are so many things I enjoy:
- the lights – both inside and outside of our home!
- the crazy decorating ideas and light of folks around the town
- amazing Holiday celebrations – Yuletide, Crushmas (a new addition to Whitefish in the winter), the Whitefish Winter Stroll, holiday parties with friends – just to name a few!!
- egg nog and various other holiday treats
- watching movies like It’s a Wonderful Life, Love Actually, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and other seasonal favorites.
- Skyping and chatting with friends far away
- hearing how others celebrate
- warming up by the wood stove and enjoying a hot-toddy
- snow falling (okay not quite enough that – right now – but it will come!)
I am sure there are many more things I could add. But really what I love about this time of year is that I regularly tear up and feel my heart thumping away with the joy of being human, being here on this earth with all the challenges – the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.
A dear friend, Ben Wong, once told me, when I was struggling with some dark moments and just wasn’t sure I’d ever be loveable, “Susan, you don’t need to be loved – simply feel your loving.” That’s just it. This time of year I feel my loving very loudly! Thank you, Ben!
Indeed, we are spiritual beings having a human experience! It’s a gift, even when it’s hard and sometimes it’s the hard times that bring us closer together and invite transformation.
Merry, Merry! May you find your moments of joy and gratitude throughout this holiday season and well into the new year!!
I would love to hear what brings you joy and gratitude this time of year – even through your struggles.
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