I want to write because each day lately seems to quickly get filled, and I have a backlog of material churning inside!
Over the past few weeks, I have traveled to Gabriola for faculty meetings and to lead a Couples Alive program, dropped into Seattle as a guest on Sunny McMillan’s radio show, had meetings with a few colleagues, written various blog pieces for our new program; BE BRAVE, gotten our edits back on our book to review, launched and delivered my new MOJO Coaching program, trained Rosie (and mostly myself) using a sport collar for off-leash walking, tried to stay fit biking, running and playing a little golf!
I am sure I am missing some bits. I want to work on pulling some of the pieces together. Right now, I am dealing with what seems like fragmentation and diffusion, but I am curious if maybe the issue is more related to velocity than breaking apart!
Several years ago we were involved in some Rich Dad, Poor Dad workshops. One involved a weekend journey to Australia! (That trip is a story all by itself. Such a wild ride and an amazing gift from saying, yes! It still brings a smile!)
One of the learnings that stuck was the idea that people who are more comfortable with abundance are going to be faced with issues of velocity, and it can be easy to confuse issues of velocity with issues of incompetence! (That last part is my take.)
My memory of the lesson is that the more money you have, the more important it becomes to keep it moving. People who have great wealth must be able to handle velocity, meaning the flow of money. Most people are not comfortable with flow. Expansion, yes, but flow is something different!
In this context, flow means keeping the money moving and that involves risk. The more flow – the more potential upside and downside. The level of money WILL go up and down. There will be times when all could be lost, or a significant amount, and the willingness to ride with that movement is what defines flow.
Flow is about going with both the expansion and contraction.
This lesson applies to much more than wealth and cash flow. This principle is related to anything energetic. Since we are energy beings, it applies in all areas of our life.
I am learning for myself that it is important to notice the difference between an issue of velocity versus an issue of incompetence or possibility.
Let me try to explain.
Currently, CrisMarie and I are focusing on developing online programs such as BE BRAVE. Previously we have done small online programs to our warm and committed clients. Now, we want to expand our reach to new and more people. This seems quite challenging to me.
I have enjoyed how easily people get to know me, and I get to know them sitting in a Haven circle or in a conference room working with a team. I am not as comfortable when I am marketing across the airwaves and beyond the comfort zone of my smaller pond! Yet, how can I reach more people if I keep going to the same people?
So, I am jumping into the bigger ocean, and frankly, it’s taken my breathe away a few times!
However, when I do breathe and reflect on the nature of the challenge, I am discovering it is much more about the velocity at which we are moving than it is about our level of competence.
We have a solid foundation of helping people develop relationships that thrive – both at home and at work. We have been doing this together for over 15 years. I would even be so bold to say that we are experts in this field.
However, we are challenged by reaching our ‘tribe’ or target audience who haven’t met us yet. We have been swimming in this challenge for a while. I would say for at least the last three years.
In the beginning, our efforts to become successful in online offerings was more of a competence issue than a velocity problem.
Now, launching BE BRAVE, I think we have the foundation and the basic skills related to marketing and sales AND we are facing velocity issues.
In other words, our velocity issue causes leaks; not huge chasms and holes.
This is a different problem. However, the internal feelings are quite similar.
I find myself at times collapsing into despair and wondering about my own worth and value as we move into a much broader and bigger market and presence.
Why don’t people sign up? How could they not like our AD?
Those feelings of despair and questioning my value, are old and very internalized patterns from beliefs and story-lines established when I was much younger and with way less resources.
I don’t like the feeling of fragmentation. However, I get this time it’s isn’t life or death. But it can feel like it at times.
That’s when I need to take a break. The key here is learning when it is a velocity issue and taking a quick break really does help.
Also reminding myself that even though I might feel like I am free falling or too scattered, I am not. I am simply moving faster, or have more energy, than I have ever had before.
When I realize this, I take better care of myself and become more responsive to my internal cues.
Velocity problems are indicators of growth and expansion! They are a good signs and one that can be attended to with presence and compassion!
It’s helpful to remember being in the flow doesn’t mean all is comfortable, sometimes just the opposite!
A new speed, a higher level of input won’t be comfortable AND that discomfort does not mean there is a crisis or a major problem. I just need to check for leaks!
Just in case you are interested. BE BRAVE is a 6-week program starting July 12th. It is for women who want to reclaim their energy, be empowered and have a felt sense of wholeness in their relationships both @ home and @work! Click here to learn more and join us to learn how to transform your relationships.
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