September 15, is the day!
Our book, The Beauty of Conflict for Couples is officially launched.
This is book two and the first with a publisher, Tiny Press, which is part of Mango Press.
We’re excited. Of course if you are following you may be thinking that we are going all out to become Amazon best sellers. You may hate Amazon or just wonder why we are so driven.
WHY Amazon?
Here’s the deal – for a book to get into book stores you need a great rating on Amazon. Sure some large publishing houses can get their authors into the book store. Our publisher has us on Barnes & Noble, Indie Press and is willing to go out push to bookstores where we have a following or have made a request. But what gets books onto the shelves of book stores is online sells – and like it or not – Amazon is king.
I know a lot of writers don’t care for Amazon and I get it. But I also want our book to get into the hands of people who could use a book that helps them ignite passion, connection and deepens intimacy.
I want that available and I believe our book offers some amazing tools, stories and wisdom that is worth getting out beyond digital land.
So yes, I am marketing and I am encouraging people to order the book through Amazon.
Shape & Great Day Hoston
Some of the marketing effort is quite fun.
We have been interviewed on 28 podcast so far AND I have loved laughing, learning and sharing with so many other people passionate about communication, couples, intimacy, growth and dealing better with our differences.
We’ve had a couple feature stories put out into the world. The first one was about SEX – in Shape Magazine. Now I wasn’t expecting that – but you know I loved it. Sex is one of the big challenges for couples and I’d love to generate more dialogue and conversation to broaden our cultural storylines about sex, sexuality – what’s okay and what’s not. I have always been a believer that one of the prime reasons we have so much violence and sexual inappropriateness is because we don’t have a healthy way to talk about sex, our desires, our attractions and what works for us and doesn’t. So, no, we didn’t write this book about sexuality – we wrote to support honest and real dialogue and intimacy (in-to-me-see) between couples – AND we are thrilled that part of the launch includes some of our take on sex!
Just this best week we had our first TV appearance – on Great Day Houston! It was a blast. The producer who reached out to us was fantastic. She had us well prepared for the day. Our segment was as she called it “a long one – 4-7 minutes”. I honestly couldn’t grasp how that was long – but I soon learned just how fast a day show goes. Probably my favorite part was being in the green room with the other folks going on. These were the people I got to talk to and really share the message and moment. The 4 minutes with Deborah was fun and I was grateful for the wee bit of media training we received because it does take a lot of effort to talk that fast and stay on message!

All this and the book is just set to launch on September 15.
I do hope we get the Amazon best seller banner at some point during our first few days. No, we don’t indeed to do any crazy stuff to make that happen. But we will ask and put ourselves and the book out there.
It’s worth it and do hope you’ll join us for some of the fun.
We’ll kick off with a FB Live on the launch day. Our virtual launch party is happening on Monday September 16 – we’ll be on for 30 thirty minutes – share some stories and answer questions if folks are willing to join and ask. We also have a webinar scheduled later in the week where we will do a deeper dive into the model.
Hopefully you’ll see us online and decide to join us and help spread the word. I want our little book on the book shelves. I also invite you to read it and write an honest review – on Goodreads, on Amazon – we’d be thrilled.
We really do need to get better at living well together and I honestly believe this book can support getting more real, honest and able to opt in to conflict/differences and hold for the tension and ambiguity it takes to get to a new possibility – one beyond right and wrong!
Let’s get relational – instead of getting righteous!
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