Getting Over Your Ground Hog Day!!

I love the movie Ground Hog Day!  That same day, repeating and repeating – until finally – finally – something shifts!

Though I have not lived such a dramatic version of Bill Murray’s day from hell – I sure have had my moments and days of being stuck in an unserving, suffering storyline!!!

Indeed it is a type of hell!  Plus it plays havoc with reaching my dreams, finding my joy, my ability to connect and basically eroding  my relationships!!

I call this a KINK.

It’s like a knotted shoelace or a garden hose that isn’t just twisted put wrapped around itself in such a way – no water comes through!!!

That’s what it’s like to have a limiting belief, it can spin you around and round!

Let me give you an example.  Here’s one of my classic KINKS!

“I’m a horrible speller so I can’t…. write, put things up on flipcharts”


“I can’t spell – I’m stupid!”

“I’m stupid so I shouldn’t be thinking of publishing a book”

You see how one belief just plays havoc!!

That one – well it’s been around in my head for years!!  I even have labels for it now – dyslexic, learning disabled.

Well may be I do frequently flip letters, mix up my words and struggle with spelling.

Indeed it’s a kink that doesn’t easily go away!

However, I’m not stupid.  I can write. Plus, there’s always editors – right?

Here’s the deal – we all have our storylines – some of them helpful – some of them not so much!

I am not someone who believes you can just get rid of them!!  However, I do think there are ways to become aware of when a KINK is getting in the way of what matters most to you!

Awareness is the first step to any shift!  Once I notice I am spinning into a KINK – I have some options.

I can do Byron Katie’s, the work on that belief.  (for some this is magic and works great! – it is a great tool but for me needs a bit more breath and emtoion!)

I can breath and see what I am feeling.  Usually there’s an underlying river of feelings that have been trapped or wrapped up in that KINK!

I find for me, it helps to move, dance, shake that story around!

Then pause and check inside.  See if anything has shifted.  It’s not a perfect formula or science.  However, I am getting pretty good at not letting that KINK of mine – send me into full-on  Ground Hog Day!!

I’d love to help you avoid getting caught in a KINK or worse finding yourself stuck in a Ground Hog day!

That’s part of my online program, Get Unstuck.   How to work through Kinks and Leaks! and make sure you are not caught in a Ground Hog Day!

I’d love to help you find a way to reach your dream or goal without to much spinning.

I’m sure there are some typos in this post – but I want to get it out!  Get Unstuck starts – July 25th and it’s 25% off through friday, July 21 at midnight!!

Get out of your own way!  Get Unstuck!!