Imagine this…
Your boots sink into the rich, moist soil as you walk through the trees.
The spongy feel is uplifting as it supports your movement.
You can smell that fresh hay, grass and the earthy, healing smell of horses.
Overhead, the big, blue, cloudless Montana sky stretches.
Far away, the whinny of a horse punctuates the beauty of the moment.
Every ounce of tension and stress slips away as the horse next to you sighs deeply. The feel of their soft, fuzzy nose on the back of your hand is grounding. The crisp, clear October breeze caresses Montana’s vast land and brushes against your cheek.
Tonight, you’ll sit by the firepit, surrounded by the women who have been part of your reconnection experience. The air might have a chill, but you’ll be warm as you enjoy the smoky smell and crackling of fire.
This. Here in nature.
This is good for your soul.
This is Find Your Mojo in Montana.
This is where you belong.
Science has proven dirt and fresh air :
- increase serotonin levels
- helps the digestive system
- improves blood pressure
- strengths the immune system
- clears the lungs and makes for a sharper mind.
Sometimes the best medicine comes in a very natural package.
Join us in the heart of Big Sky Montana.
Let nature take care of your soul so you can take care of those who depend on you!
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