So most everyone has heard of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Well, Dorothy’s story is a wonderful tale of Crisis, Conflict and Change.
She went through the three stage process that I call the path for turning “Oh Sh*t!” to “Aha!” – Empowering yourself through Crisis, Conflict and Change.
Dorothy seemed to be doing okay in Kansas, until a tornado suddenly ripped her from her stable world. Now, that tornado, and the experience of being flown to a new location was a definite crisis point!
When she arrived in this new land, she landed on a witch! Talk about potential conflict! It was clear this wasn’t Kansas and indeed there were lots of opportunities for facing fear, and dealing with conflict! Her travels took her down the yellow brick road and allowed her to discover new friends and have some very interesting interactions. Dealing with yet another witch, facing the flying monkeys and, though not mentioned in the story, traveling with friends, brings up all sorts of conflicting choices, and challenging conversations!
Finally, meeting Oz, discovering that he wasn’t quite the man she had been promised. He did though point her in the right direction and she soon learned that she wasn’t ever without the resources she needed. However, she did need to make a significant change. From looking outside herself, and relying on others to give her the answers, to leaning in to each new experience and relationship with courage and heart. Then and only then, would she know she had what she needed to get home.
We all have our own versions of Dorothy’s transformation. Some type of crisis that rips us from our normal state, and off we go on a journey. Having to deal with the conflict that comes with looking inward and living outward. Meeting new friends, while letting go of the old ways of being. In the end, embracing change and our new self.
I have been on this journey many, many times. My cancer sagas, the childhood drama from victim to hero, landing back home as simply ordinary. My life no longer has quite the level of drama as Dorothy’s. Thank goodness
My travels have taught many lessons in how to take the journey, and some valuable tools for living and thriving, even through the pain and challenge of loss, setbacks and obstacles along the way. Now, I want to share with, and hopefully learn from, you as well. This 4-part FREE program called, Follow The Yellow Brick Road, empowering yourself through crisis, conflict and change! is a self-guided journey of discovery.
To learn the keys to successfully Follow The Yellow Brick Sign Up Below and get a daily email to each part of the journey.
The daily invitations create new ways of thinking, feeling and exploring your unique situation. Of course, as you go, you may discover you want support. If so, call me for a 20 minute FREE chat or consider taking the June workshop at The Haven, Living through Crisis, Conflict and Change – “Oh Sh*t” to “Aha”!
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