What Was Your Ultimate Result?

Any of you who have been following my blog know that I am a big fan of The Haven and regularly lead a program called Living Alive Phase I (LAPI) .  I took LAPI 30 years ago as a participant.  I know that was a LONG time ago.

LAPI was a life changing event!

Flash forward to today, and I find myself continually trying to introduce this awesome 26 day intensive program to as many people as possible.  Unfortunately, people hear 26 days, and say, “Who can take off 26 days from their life to go do that?!”  Sadly, for many, 26 days is just not an option.

Until now!

This year The Haven is launching a new LAPI format – The Integrative Living Alive Phase.  This new program will take place over eight months and will combine onsite modules with ongoing online teleclasses, group experiences, and an online community for staying connected!

I am thrilled about this one format!

One, because I think one of the biggest challenges people face after having a transformational experience is integrating that experience back into their day-to-day life.  So the idea of having both onsite, and at home experiences, presents the possibility of integration as you go!

Secondly, this new format was partially inspired by my educational process through Martha Beck, who offers her coaching process over 9 months, which I took and thought worked really well. So I am really excited about offering this new format at The Haven, making learning available both face-to-face and online.

Also this is providing me, The Haven, and others, a chance to look at how we are marketing The Haven and possibly finding new avenues and audiences.

Thus the title of this post: the Ultimate Result.

Research: What Was Your Ultimate Result?

I am doing research.  I would love to hear from any of you out there who have participated in a Phase I program recently, or a LONG time ago.

Please email me and answer this question:  “What was your ultimate result from participating in your Phase?” 

For me the ultimate result was learning how to create more intimacy and connection with people.  I discovered in my Phase how my stories and history were so projected on the world around me that I really did not have any significantly close current relationships.  During the Phase I discovered what was possible when I stepped out of my story and got interested in the other person.

Up until that program, I had been living in a very scarey narrative.  It took the Phase, for me to realize the “war” from my childhood trauma was over, and I could be open and revealing of myself to others.  I could also be interested in them without having to constantly project that old story.

So that’s one example.  But I imagine there are a variety of ultimate results out there.  Share yours!  (There’s an easy form just at the bottom of this post!) I would love to hear it.

Also, if you are interesting in learning more about the Integrative Phase program, please contact me or call the Haven.  I’ll keep you posted as we launch our new program.

It is a whole new program. So even you graduates who would like to have a integrative experience of Haven, over the course of eight months, why not join us again?!